West Midland Family Center

West Midland Family Center

West Midland Family Center is located on M20 a few miles east of Oil City. Address is 4011 W. Isabella Rd (M20), Shepherd, Michigan 48883. For information about WMFC please call (989) 832-3256 or email info@wmfc.org

Located west of WMFC on M20, the Depot is owned and operated by West Midland Family Center. WMFC offers weekly food, clothing and goods distributions at the Depot. For more information contact Helen Roth at rothh@wmfc.org

WMFC publishes the WMFC Family Focus Newsletter three times per year. To be added to our mailing list or to receive a digital copy please contact finneym@wmfc.org

Let's Connect!

Please complete the form on the right for more information about West Midland Family Center or if you have any questions or comments to share.