West Midland Food and Clothing Depot

The WMFC Surplus Food Distribution Program helps WMFC families fill in crucial gaps as they struggle to cope with today’s rising food prices and higher cost of living. By partnering with many different organizations each month, WMFC is able to bring a variety of different surplus food distributions to our community and the outlying communities. For registration and program information contact Helen Roth at (989) 750-9114 or click on the links below.

Family Services

WMFC offers a wrap-around program for families who are in crisis or searching for ways to understand their ever-changing family. All family support programs are offered in a comfortable setting. In addition to our traditional programs, wrap around services include: home visits, individual consultations and referrals. Please contact Renee Young, Family Services Director at 989-832-3256 or email youngr@wmfc.org for more information or to review your family's needs.

Parent Education

WMFC parenting groups continually evolve and change based on the needs of the community. Please refer to the WMFC Program Guide for the most updated information regarding our family education offerings or contact Renee Young, Family Services Director at 832-3256 or at youngr@wmfc.org

Family Services

The West Midland Family Center (WMFC) is an organization that is empowering families to grow together in a positive and enriching environment. We strive to create thriving families by improving individual self-worth, helping others, and creating a fit and healthy community. Families feel safe at WMFC because they know that the programs are designed, and our staff is selected, with them in mind.