
Volunteer Opportunities

WMFC is always in need of volunteers. Volunteers can help out in a variety of areas such as preschool, elementary, youth and teens! Special events, tutoring, bingo, and the clothing room always in need of volunteers! Please contact Helen Roth at (989)832-3256 or rothh@wmfc.org to discuss volunteer opportunities.
Why is Your Help So Important?
Already decided that you want to volunteer at WMFC? GREAT! Please scroll down the page for information on your next step!

"Special Skills"

Are you interested in demonstrating your woodcarving skills, showing off some new dance steps, teaching the art of tying fly fish lures, or something more? Our children, and even our adults, love it when visitors come and show them new things! Please contact Helen Roth at (989) 832-3256 or at rothh@wmfc.org if you have a "special skill" or talent that you would like to share!

Bingo Volunteers Needed

Bingo Chairman Mandy Pickett, is always looking for good bingo volunteers to help out at our Saturday night Bingo. Contact Mandy for more information at (989) 832-3256 or at mandypickett34@gmail.com. All Bingo proceeds are used to support WMFC youth activities. Bingo volunteers have been responsible for providing over $500,000 to support WMFC Youth since inception.

WMFC Volunteer Appreciation Awards Night

Every Spring, West Midland Family Center (WMFC) hosts the annual Volunteers Award Recognition Night. During the evening WMFC recognizes the many volunteers who have given of their time and talents to serve those in the WMFC community.
Volunteer Awards
Diane Dauer Award and Recipients
Contact Helen Roth for more information at (989) 832-3256.

Already Decided That You Want to Volunteer at West Midland Family Center?

Welcome aboard! Thank you in advance for joining our team!

The first step in your journey will be to complete one of the forms in the "Volunteer Forms" section below. Simply choose whatever form is appropriate for you, print it off and submit it to Helen Roth by way of either fax (989-832-5755) or email at rothh@wmfc.org. . After Helen receives your application she will contact you as soon as she possibly can to talk to you more about volunteering at WMFC.

Volunteer Forms

Adult Volunteer Form
Teen Volunteer Form
Group Volunteer Form

Every volunteer must also complete a DHS Clearance Form and submit the form to a Department of Human Services Office for processing prior to volunteering at the Center.

Volunteer Links